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Putin ramane pe locul I in opinia publica rusa

Premierul rus Vladimir Putin este in continuare mai apreciat de populatia rusa decat presedintele Dmitri Medvedev, chiar daca opinia publica este din ce in ce mai aprobatoare fata de actiunile actualului presedinte. Dupa doi ani de cand se afla in fruntea statului rus, Medvedev este apreciat de 51% dintre rusi, …

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Albanian PM: NATO’s intervention in Kosovo was historic decision

The NATO-led intervention against Slobodan Milosevic’s regime and the then Serbian army was a historic decision, Albanian Prime Minister Sali Berisha said. He stressed that NATO’s intervention in 1999 was a necessary move as it protected the rights and the freedoms of Albanians in Kosovo.

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Council of Europe office in Montenegro shutdowns

Council of Europe decides to close office in Montenegro, Montenegro’s media said. Council of Europe decided to close its office due to Montenegro’s achieved democratic level, which excludes any further stay.

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