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Macedonia- Greece meeting announced

The prime ministers of neighbouring Macedonia and Greece, Nikola Gruevski and George Papandreou, respectively, agreed to meet this Thursday on the sidelines of the EU summit in Brussels to discuss their countries’ ongoing “name” spat.

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Western Balkan leaders embrace EU perspective

A summit of Western Balkan leaders near Ljubljana ended on Saturday (March 20th) by adopting a joint statement on their countries’ commitment to the European perspective. The forum was marred by the absence of Serbian President Boris Tadic who boycotted because Kosovo was not represented according to the UN Security …

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Stefan Fuele visits Kosovo and Albania

Enlargement Commissioner Stefan Fuele said on Friday (March 19th) that the EU expects Kosovo to step up efforts to fight crime and corruption and strengthen the rule of law. After talks with Prime Minister Hashim Thaci and President Fatmir Sejdiu in Pristina, Fuele stressed the importance of guaranteeing political stability …

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