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EU commissioner: Bosnia on right path

European Enlargement Commissioner Stefan Fuele said that Bosnia-Herzegovina is on the right road to achievement its visa liberalization this year. He called on the Bosnian government to continue with its reforms, changes in the constitution and election laws, in order to hold democratic elections in October. “It is important to …

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„Votul de aur”, referendumul şi integrarea

„În lumina circumstanţelor din Moldova, o reformă constituţională este necesară pentru a preveni ca blocaje politice să se mai întâmple pe viitor…” (Comisia de la Veneţia, 12 martie 2010) AIE s-a născut cu adevărat în momentele în care, superb şi obstinat, a refuzat ispita de a da „votul de aur” …

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Olli Rehn: Euro area supports Greece

EU Commissioner for Economic and Monetary Affairs Olli Rehn said the Euro area is ready to act decisively and coordinated to support Greece. “We avoided the danger regarding Greece,” said the EU Commissioner noting it is necessary to take measures on avoiding future problems, similar to those faced by Greece. …

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