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Greek position is clear and supported by many countries: Greek deputy FM

We are far away from the time when the UN Mediator on the name dispute between Greece and Macedonia Matthew Nimetz will make a new proposal on the issue, said Greek deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Dimitris Drucas Macedonian. In his words many countries are aware of Greek position and …

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OSCE: Detention Reasoning Insufficient in Kosovo Courts

In a newly released report the OSCE mission in Kosovo claims that Kosovo courts fail to adequately justify decisions ordering detention, saying that this shortcoming breaches international legal standards and domestic law.

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Slovenia hopes Serbia will attend the planned conference

It would be important for the success of the planned conference in Slovenia if the Serbian president attended, says a Slovenian embassy in Belgrade official. This would be significant, Jadranka Šturm-Kocjan stated, for cooperation in the region, mutual relations and dialogues between the Western Balkans countries.

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