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Nada za još 88 oštećenih novinara

SARAJEVO Presuda Općinskog suda u Sarajevu kojom je Udruženju “BH novinari” naloženo plaćanje radog staža novinarki Lejli Hodžić-Hajro može biti presedan korišten u sudskim procesima ostalih 88 oštećenih bh. novinara, kazao je juče Kadrija Kolić, advokat Lejle Hodžić-Hajro. “Udruženje, naravno, ima pravo na žalbu, ali nisam siguran ima li ona …

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Norway will introduce special visa regime for Moldovans

Moldova and Norway will soon sign an accord to facilitate the visa regime. The agreement was reached by Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Iurie Leanca and his Norwegian

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Serbian President discuss EU integration with German counterpart

Serbian President Boris Tadić met with his German counterpart Horst Koehler to discuss Serbia’s European integration process. Tadić told Koehler that long-term peace, stability, and economic development in the Western Balkans is only possible through the European integration of the region.

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