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EP panel supports visa liberalisation for Kosovo

Representatives of the European Parliament (EP) Foreign Affairs Committee in Strasbourg have promised Kosovo Foreign Minister Skender Hyseni that his country will soon be given a roadmap and timeline to fulfil EU visa liberalisation criteria. The foreign ministry in Pristina said on Wednesday (March 10th) that the EP officials have …

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Serbian FM: Estonia supports Serbia’s EU integration

Estonia will continue to support Serbia’s endeavors for integration in the European Union, Serbian Foreign Minister Vuk Jeremić said on Tuesday. There is also full agreement between Belgrade and Talinn regarding EU integration of the entire Western Balkans, Jeremić said during his visit to Estonia.

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Ispunjen i posljednji uslov za ukidanje viza

SARAJEVO Vijeće ministara BiH imenovalo je jučer Himzu Selimovića za direktora, a Uroša Penu i Mileta Jurića za zamjenike direktora Direkcije za koordinaciju policijskih tijela u BiH. Imenovanjem čelnika ove agencije ispunjen je i posljednji uslov za liberalizaciju viza za građane BiH. Selimović je trenutno komesar sarajevske policije, Pena je …

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