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EU extends Inzko’s mandate in BiH

The EU foreign ministers yesterday extended the mandates of most special representatives worldwide, including Bosnia and Herzegovina’s (BiH) Valentin Inzko. His was due to expire next week. The EU justice and interior ministers are expected to extend Pieter Feith’s mandate as EU special representative to Kosovo by another six months …

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Macedonian PM: Nimetz’ visit to move forward name talks

Macedonian government will remain completely constructive in solving name dispute and we believe that UN mediator’s visit will move forward name talks. Macedonian PM Nikola Gruevski made the remarks on the eve of today’s meeting with Matthew Nimetz, who arrived in Macedonia this afternoon. Gruevski said that Macedonian top officials are …

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Liderii de la Tiraspol au primit permisiunea sa intre in UE

Autoritatile transnsitrene au primit permisiunea de a intra pe teritoriul Uniunii Europene, dupa ce Bruxellesul a decis sa ridice sanctiunile pana in septembrie 2010, transmite Radio Romania Actualitati. Consiliul ministrilor de Externe ai statelor Uniunii Europene a prelungit formal sanctiunile impotriva autoritatilor transnistrene pentru inca un an – pana la …

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