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Dilemele regionale ale scutului american

„…partenerii noştri ruşi au fost informaţi în legătură cu faptul că preşedintele american va oferi României posibilitatea de a amplasa elemente ale scutului antirachetă”. (Ellen Tauscher, subsecretar de stat american pentru controlul armamentului şi securitate internaţională) Devine astăzi limpede cât de iluzorie a fost tentativa regimului Voronin de a soluţiona …

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Serbian FM meets with Turkish counterpart

Turkey and Serbia are ready to work together on the establishing of stability and peace in the Balkans, Turkish FM Ahmet Davutoglou says. His statement came after a meeting in Ankara on Saturday with his Serbian counterpart Vuk Jeremić. The free trade agreement between Serbia and Turkey, which will considerably …

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Croatian President Josipovic discusses possible RS referendum

Croatia’s new president, Ivo Josipovic, said on Friday (February 19th) that any possible referendum on the independence of Bosnian Serbs would not affect the current structure of neighbouring BiH. Republika Srprka (RS) cannot change the current situation unilaterally, Josipovic said, adding that even if Bosnian Serbs hold a referendum, it …

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