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Romania, Georgia, Azerbaijan to sign deal

Romania, Georgia and Azerbaijan will sign an agreement on construction of two liquefied natural gas terminals next month, Romanian Economy Ministry official Tudor Serban announced on Thursday (February 18th). Serban explained that one will be located at Romania’s Constanta seaport and the other in Georgia. The project is worth an …

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Albania: PACE official to join political deadlock negotiations

Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) President Mevlut Cavusoglu will head a delegation to assist President Bamir Topi in mediating political negotiations between the government and the opposition in the ongoing boycott of parliament. Cavusoglu’s delegation will support the process to restore political dialogue in Albania, the office …

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NATO’s Fitzgerald says Kosovo institutions will decide on KSF

NATO Commander of Allied Joint Force Command Naples Admiral Mark Fitzgerald said Thursday (February 18th) that NATO does not determine the future status of the Kosovo Security Forces (KSF). “It is up to us to build the KSF. What local institutions do further with the forces, that is up to …

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