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Bulgaria to decide about anti-missile defense

Bulgaria will take a decision on whether to depose anti-missile defense at its territory after a discussion with the EU member states and the Bulgarian Parliament. This is what Bulgarian Prime Minister (PM) Boyko Borisov said as a reply of the question about disposing anti-missile defense in Bulgaria. “I cannot …

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Greek PM to visit Russia, meet Putin next week

The prime minister of debt-stricken Greece will visit Russia next week for talks with his counterpart Vladimir Putin, the Russian government announced on Friday. Greek Prime Minister George Papandreou will visit Russia on February 15-16 for a trip focusing on “economy, energy and military-technical cooperation,” the government said in a …

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România priveşte Estul de sub scut

„Imperialist american/ cădea-ţi-ar bomba în ocean” (Versuri din anii ’50) Despre scuturi antirachetă a început să se vorbească după ce preşedinte al SUA devenise Ronald Reagan (1980-1988), autorul faimoasei expresii „Imperiul Răului”, cu referire la URSS, şi cel care obişnuia să spună că „socialismul ar funcţiona numai în două locuri: …

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