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Catherine Ashton to visit Belgrade on February 18

High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, Catherine Ashton, will pay a visit to Belgrade on February 18. Ashton took up the post from Javier Solana in December 2009 and officially stepped in office as First Vice President of the European Commission on February 9, 2010.

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Croatia to Enhance Cooperation with ICTY

Croatia is ready to step up efforts to cooperate with the ICTY in order to be able to conclude EU accesson negotiations by the end of this year. Jadranka Kosor, the Croatian prime minister, said that efforts would be made to achieve better cooperation with the International Criminal Tribunal for …

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Izmjene Ustava BiH najkasnije do maja

SARAJEVO Predstavnički dom bh. parlamenta zadužio je jučer Vijeće ministara BiH da do kraja ovog mjeseca napravi akcioni plan za provedbu presude Evropskog suda za ljudska prava iz Strazbura. Akcioni plan podrazumijeva izmjenu Ustava i Izbornog zakona BiH najkasnije do maja ove godine kako bi opšti izbori u oktobru bili …

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