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Russian Ambassador: Cooperation with the Bulgarian President and Prime Minister is in mutual benevolent direction

I believe that we have managed to establish mutual fellowship with the new elected Prime Minister and colleagues of the Cabinet. Therefore my major efforts are for further strengthening and stabilization of the traditionally strong relations of our countries in all fields of mutual interest, Russian Ambassador to Bulgaria Yuriy …

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EU applauds Ukrainian presidential elections

The European Union foreign policy chief Catherine Ashton gave a welcome to the completion of the second round of voting in the Ukrainian presidential elections in a statement publushed Monday, Xinhua News Agency informed. “The generally calm atmosphere in which the elections were conducted, the open campaign in the media …

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EP member Doris Pack says Kosovo’s EU integration depends on domestic leadership

European Parliament (EP) member Doris Pack says Kosovo needs 12 to 18 months to meet the EU-set criteria before it can benefit from visa liberalisation. “It depends on politics. If Kosovo authorities work faster, the processes can move faster too,” Pack was quoted as saying by public broadcaster RTK on …

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