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Macedonia, Albania Discuss Corridor 8

The key project that can contribute to further cooperation between Albania and Macedonia is the continued construction of the east-west European road and rail network, the countries’ foreign ministers concluded Monday at a meeting in Tirana.

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Nema novih uslova za ukidanje viza

SARAJEVO Ekspertni timovi Evropske komisije, koji su jučer u BiH započeli provjeru provedbe uslova za ukidanje viza bh. građanima, nisu imali primjedbi na realizaciju uslova, rekao je Samir Rizvo, šef bh. Interresorne radne grupe za liberalizaciju viznog režima. “Predstavnici Evropske komisije zaduženi za oblasti granica, migracija i azila započeli su …

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Members of Moldovan Parliament to visit Bucharest

A delegation of Members the Moldovan Parliament, headed by Igor Corman (PD), chairperson of the Foreign Policy and European Integration Board, will make an official visit to Romania in the period between February 7 and 10 The Moldovan MPs go to Bucharest at the invitation of the Foreign Policy Board …

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