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EU visa liberalization mission comes to Moldova next month

The first mission that will assess the situation for opening talks on the visa liberalization regime with the EU will be working in Chisinau between March 1 and 3, Moldovan Deputy Foreign Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs and European Integration Iurie Leanca announced Thursday.

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Serbian FM Jeremić met with Finnish counterpart

Finnish FM Alexander Stubb says that Finland is “strongly supporting Serbia on its path toward the EU”. He also said that he is hoping for the ratification of the Stabilization and Association Agreement (SAA) between Serbia and the EU to take place “soon”.

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Catherine Ashton: “Kosovo among EU priorities”

There are differences over recognition but there is agreement on the substantial program of help that EU is putting in place in Kosovo, says Catherine Ashton. The EU foreign policy chief stated that main challenges of the EU foreign policy were Kosovo, how to rally Chinese and Russian support for …

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