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Predlažu četiri člana Predsjedništva BiH

Stranka za BiH uputila je jučer u parlamentarnu proceduru amandmane na Ustav BiH kojima se predlaže da Predsjedništvo BiH ima četiri člana, umjesto sadašnja tri, te formiranje i četvrtog kluba u Domu naroda parlamenta BiH. Na ove funkcije bili bi birani kandidati iz reda ostalih, a Stranka za BiH amandmanima …

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Traian Băsescu: “We shall sign a partnership agreement”

Traian Băsescu: “We agreed to sign a partnership, which presumes Moldova’s integration in the EU, in order to speed the process, and to include Moldova inside the group of the west Balkans countries”.

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Traian Băsescu: Romania won`t sing a border treaty with Moldova

Referring to the last Border treaty between Moldova and Ukraine, Traian basescu declared that: “Romanian won’t ever sign a treaty in which the border between Moldova and Romania would be redefined”.

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