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Mihai Ghimpu: “The meeting was a benefic”

Mihai Ghimpu said that the meeting was benefic one and that this will allow to solve some problems which is Moldova confronting, among which obtaining Romanian citizenship, workforce from Romania and scholarships for Bessarabian students.

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Băsescu decorated with “Ordinul Republicii Moldova” order, Mihai Ghimpu was decorated with Steaua României

Moldova’s Interim president, Mihai Ghimpu, decorated Romanian president, Traian Basescu, with the “Ordinul Republicii Moldova” order. “For European values, for the support given you are decorated with the Ordinul Republicii Moldova order”, said Ghimpu. Traian Basescu, on his turn, decorated in exchange Moldovan interim president, Mihai Ghimpu, in the name …

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Traian Băsescu: “Moldovans are European citizens by birth”

Basescu: “In 5 months, since Moldova has a new government, we are sure that we can have a partnership with Moldova, in order to get it close to EU, because Moldovan’s are European citizens by birth”.

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