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Serbia Srebrenica Resolution Ready in February

A spokesperson of the ruling Democratic Party, DS, in Serbia said that texts of resolutions, one condemning the 1995 Srebrenica massacre and the other condemning war crimes committed against Serbs, will be completed in February. Jelena Trivan said that political consultations on the texts of these declarations are ongoing.

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Macedonia Mulls “Name” Concession

Skopje will give up on the so called double name formula if Athens stops disputing the existence of a Macedonian identity, unnamed Macedonian diplomats told local media. This will be the message that Macedonian Foreign Minister Antonio Milososki will convey to his Greek counterpart Dimitris Droutsas at their meeting on …

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Albania Moves to Strengthen its Role in Region

Albania’s Foreign Minister Ilir Meta has announced that the country will soon open an embassy in Sarajevo, the latest sign that Tirana aims to take a larger regional role, following its entry into NATO. “Taking into account Albania’s increasing role in the Western Balkans, our government has decided to soon …

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