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New Russian ambassador arrives in Kyiv

The new Russian ambassador in Ukraine and presidential envoy for trade and economic cooperation with Ukraine Mikhail Zurabov has arrived in Kyiv. Zurabov arrived at the local airport at about 11 a.m. on Jan. 25. He was welcomed by officials from the Ukrainian Foreign Ministry and Russian embassy. Upon his …

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Grigory Karasin: Russian troops will be out when Transnitria troubles settled

Russian Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Grigory Karasin reiterated that Russia is waiting for a clear-cut and lasting definition of a legal status for the Transnistrian region. The Russian Federation fully realizes and comprehends the Republic of Moldova’s approach to the Transnistria conflict problem, but will withdraw its military contingent …

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Georgia welcomes Hague court’s probe of conflict with Russia

Georgia has welcomed the International Criminal Court’s (ICC) decision to investigate its 2008 war with Russia. The Georgian government was willing to provide all materials required for the court, Hatuna Josava, a director from the Justice Ministry, said Saturday. Earlier reports said that, at the request of Russia, the Hague-based …

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