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Serbian FM Vuk Jeremić dubs ICO in Priština “illegal“

FM Vuk Jeremić today in Belgrade addressed a recently announced plan of “integration” of northern, Serb parts of Kosovo into Priština’s institutions. Speaking after his meeting with Czech Deputy PM Jan Kohout, Jeremić said this was a provocation coming from the “illegal International Civilian Office (ICO) and the illegal institutions …

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Serbian President won’t attend Croatia inauguration

Serbian President Boris Tadić will not travel to Zagreb in February for the inauguration of Croatia’s new president, Ivo Josipović. Tadić will not attend the ceremony because the Kosovo Albanian president, Fatmir Sejdiu, confirmed he would be there. Previously, Tadić said that taking part in the event along with Sejdiu …

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Tymoshenko says victory of Yanukovych will mean beginning of Ukraine’s losing independence

Presidential candidate and Prime Minister of Ukraine Yulia Tymoshenko has said Ukraine’s will take a first step on the path of losing its independence if Victor Yanukovych wins the presidential election. Yanukovych is not an independent leader, but “an appointee, a puppet of oligarchic forces,” Tymoshenko said at a press …

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