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EC official on genocide suits, integration

Head of the European Commission Delegation to Serbia Vincent Degert spoke about the genocide suits filed by Serbia and Croatia. “It is up to every country individually to see how it wants to lead this process. We will encourage both countries to talk about that question, to establish dialogue again,” …

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Macedonian President Gjorge Ivanov: Macedonia on the road to EU

Macedonian President Gjorge Ivanov said on Monday that 2009 was a tough year for global economy, though there were a few good moments for Macedonia. “2009 left deep scars and we want these scars healed as soon as possible. We want to put these scars behind, but we have to …

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Taler seeks for accession talks’ date in March

Slovenian EP reporter on Macedonia Zoran Taler have filed several amendments to the European Parliament’s Committee on Foreign Affairs in Brussels. Taler seeks from the EU Council of Ministers set a date for accession talks with Macedonia in March 2010. The European Parliamentarians will discuss Taler’s amendments on January 26.

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