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Kosovo Prime Minister: “Kosovo wants cooperation with Serbia”

Kosovo Prime Minister Hashim Thaci said that he expects to have “good inter-state relations” with Serbia soon. He said that Kosovo wants these relations to be between “two independent and sovereign states.” “Kosovo is an independent and democratic state and I expect Belgrade to work to build good inter-state relations …

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Slovenia Offers to Help Macedonia

Slovenia stands ready to help Macedonia in finding a compromise with Greece over its name that would unblock its EU and NATO membership bids, Slovenian Prime Minister said on Sunday. During his visit to Skopje, Pahor and his host, Macedonia’s Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski, confirmed good relations between both countries.

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Josipovic: Too Early to Withdraw ICJ Serbia Case

Ivo Josipovic, Croatia’s newly elected president, in an interview for Bosnian media this weekend, said it is too early to talk about withdrawing the law suit at the International Court of Justice, ICJ, against Serbia for genocide, filed in 1999. “With that suit certain goals should have been achieved. When …

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