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Greek trade unions to decide on Monday whether borders will be blocked: Bulgarian consul

On Monday, January 18, the Greek trade unions will make the final decision whether the borders will be blocked. This is the latest information, Bulgarian consul general in Thessaloniki Lachezar Ivanov said. On the one hand, there are worries the protestors’ blockade could be declared illegal and the police could …

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Serbia’s New Territorial Divisions Draw Flak

Bosniak political leaders in Serbia are increasingly concerned that a new law on regional reorganisation will divide their six Sandzak municipalities into two, thereby dilute their minority rights and undermine their attempts to develop in synch as a region. They argue that dividing their municipalities into two rather than one …

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Macedonia Proposes “Name” Solution

Skopje is testng the waters with a three phase solution for the long lasting “name” row with Athens that would unlock country’s EU and NATO accession aspirations, local media report on Thursday. The new proposal for solving the row which recently came from Macedonian legislator Pavle Trajanov is in fact …

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