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Karadzic Should Have Had Councel From Start

Antonio Cassese, the first president of the ICTY, in an interview for International Justice Tribune, said it would have been better from the outset to appoint a legal counsel for Karadzic. “In many European countries, in criminal cases any defendant must be assisted by a defence counsel. This is a …

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Romania Debates Austerity Budget

Romania’s Prime Minister Emil Boc says he expects parliament to adopt the budget for 2010 by 15 January. The budget is key to the continuation of an International Monetary Fund, IMF, led aid package, crucial for stabilising the country’s economy. Parliament began debating the budget, that has already been negotiated …

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Russian official on Serbia and NATO

Head of the Russian Duma Foreign Affairs Committee Konstantin Kosachev said that Serbia has to decide on its own whether it wants to join NATO. He added however that he doubts that the Serb people, after the tragedy they endured during the Alliance bombing of 1999, would want to join …

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