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Serbian President Boris Tadić expects the negotiations on the status of Kosovo to continue

Serbian President Boris Tadić said on Tuesday that he expects the negotiations on the status of Kosovo to continue after the ICJ ruling. The Hague-based International Court of Justice (ICJ) is expected to give its advisory opinion this year on the legality of the February 2008 unilateral independence declaration, made …

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Rehn: Greece shall not be excluded from the euro zone

Greece shall not be excluded from the euro zone, but Athens must take serious measures to decrease the budget deficit, European Commissioner Olli Rehn said during his address to the Parliament on Tuesday. Rehn pointed out that Greece is a special case and pointed out that in February Athens will …

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Kosovo, a Condition for Serbia’s EU Path

The former EU envoy for Kosovo, Wolfgang Ischinger, says Serbia should resolve its disagreements with Kocoso as a part of its EU accession process. The German Ambassador said that Serbia knows about these conditions and there is a general acceptance to find a solution within the context of Serbia’s EU …

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