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Kosovo Election Results Not Approved

Kosovo’s Central Election Commission, CEC, failed on Monday to approve the final results of the hotly contested mayoral elections in Gjilan. The results of the second-round mayoral vote were recounted last week after fears that widespread fraud had taken place in the municipality during the 13 December election.

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Brussels Tells Bosnians They Need to Coexist

The EU’s newly appointed foreign minister Catherine Ashton expressed her support behind international efforts to stabilise Bosnia, noting that there is no other choice but for the differing communities to live together. At her parliamentary hearing in front of MEPs Ashton noted that: “They can have as many referendums as …

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Calls for a Referendum on Serbia’s NATO Membership

A group of 200 academics, writers and journalists in Serbia has asked the country’s parliament to call a referendum on whether Serbia should join NATO. Speaking at a press conference, Serbian Academy member Matija Beckovic called for the referendum stressing that Serbia is now a neutral country which suffered “criminal …

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