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Opposition parties in Serbia to seek early elections

The opposition Serbian Progressive Party (SNS) will take concrete steps to force early elections, leader Tomislav Nikolic said. He noted that one possibility would be to launch a nationwide petition to collect signatures for the move. Nikolic added that his party will seek the early vote in order to receive …

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Germany to fulfill EU promises as Turkey continues reforms, FM says

‘Whatever is written in the coalition government contract is valid. Turkey’s integration into the EU is in Germany’s interest,’ says German Foreign Minister Guido Westerwelle. ‘This is, however, an open-ended process, not an automatic one. I am sure the Turkish government will keep up with reforms’Germany will stick to the …

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OHR in warning over RS independence referendum

The Office of the High Representative (OHR) in Bosnia says a referendum on independence of the Republic of Srpska (RS) would violate the Dayton agreement. The 1992-95 war in Bosnia-Herzegovina ended with the peace deal, and organized the country into two entities: the Serb RS, and the Muslim-Croat Federation. “The …

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