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Mesić shortens Serb killer’s sentence

Outgoing Croatian President Stjepan Mesić has decided to shorten prison time of Siniša Rimac by one year. Rimac was sentenced to eight years in prison when Croatia’s Supreme Court ruled that he personally took part in the executions of ethnic Serb civilians in the Pakračka Poljana region of western Slavonia …

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UN Security Council on Kosovo on Jan. 22

The UN Security Council will debate the situation in Kosovo during its January 22 session, the presiding country, China, announced. Stressing that Kosovo remains and important item on the Security Council agenda, China’s Permanent Representative Zhang Yesui said that UN mission in Kosovo, UNMIK, chief Lamberto Zannier’s report will be …

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Russian patriarch to visit Georgia to foster ties

The head of the Russian Orthodox Church plans to travel to Georgia to try to encourage closer relations between the two countries, which fought a brief war in 2008, a senior Russian bishop said. Russia has in recent weeks pledged to reopen a major border crossing with Georgia and allow …

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