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Serbia – Police arrest war crimes suspect

Police have arrested a man, Darko Jankovic, for suspected war crimes against civilians committed during the Bosnian conflict, war crimes prosecution office spokesman Bruno Vekaric announced on Sunday (January 3rd). Vekaric said Jankovic is wanted for the 1992 killings of 19 civilians near the town of Zvornik, as well as …

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Ferati: Decentralisation process in Kosovo nearly complete

Minister of Local Government Administration Sadri Ferati said that most of the work in the decentralisation process has been completed, citing as evidence the participation of Serb community members in the recent municipal elections. Ferati added that progress has been achieved due to the Kosovo government’s commitment to collaborating with …

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Solana says Albania, BiH to join Schengen soon

Albania and Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) will soon join the Schengen zone, former EU foreign policy chief Javier Solana said. Solana stressed that regional co-operation and peace in the Balkans are critical to the region, and added that its prospects lie not in division but in European integration. He also …

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