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Action Team “has idea” on Mladić whereabouts

It is obvious that Ratko Mladić is still hiding well and successfully, and that he can postpone his extradition in this way, says Rasim Ljajić. “If the services continue to work in this way, the arrest of Mladić cannot be avoided,” he said, and added that he could not specify …

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Serbia “on right path again”, Serbian FM

Serbian FM Vuk Jeremić says Serbia has the capacity and resolve to “break all records in 2010”, when it comes to the speed of joining the EU. “From a hyperactive year in the foreign policy domain, Serbia is entering another of the kind. We are resolved to catch up with …

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Mesic: Declaration of Kosovo independence marks the end of SFRJ

Kosovo’s independence marks the end of Former Yugoslavia and has set a new architecture in South-east Europe, Croatian President Stjepan Mesic said. The Croatian President is scheduled to visit Kosovo on January 8. “If Serbia can’t recognize Kosovo’s independence, no one can force her to do so”, Mesic added.

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