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Josipovic Tipped to Win Croatia Presidential Run-off

Big margin of victory in first round over nearest rival, Milan Bandic, puts Social Democrat nominee in pole position to claim the prize on January 10. Ivo Josipovic, 52, won the first round of Croatian presidential elections last weekend by a wife margin and, along with his nearest rival, Milan …

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“Accession to Russia is desirable for Transnistria, but is hardly probable” – Grigory Marakuta

Transnistria’s special representative for parliamentary ties with other unrecognized states Grigory Marakuta, who had chaired the Transnistrian supreme soviet [parliament] for nearly 2 decades, thinks that accession to Russia is indeed very desirable for the unrecognized republic but is hardly probable because Transnistria has no common border with the Russian …

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Ilir Meta: There are many gaps in Albanian-Serbian relations

There are many gaps in Serbian-Albanian relations, when taken into consideration other neighboring countries. Macedonian Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs, Ilir Meta said following the strong objection made by the Self-Determination movement in Kosovo regarding the Albanian Prime Minister Sali Berisha’s announcement of financial assistance for Kosovo …

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