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Azerbaijani and Georgian interior ministers discuss combat transnational criminality

Interior ministers of Azerbaijan and Georgia discussed the situation with combating the transnational crime. Azerbaijani Minister of Internal Affairs, Colonel-General Ramil Usubov received his Georgian colleague Vano Merabishvili today, the Azerbaijani Ministry of Internal Affairs press-service said.

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Croatian Presidential Election goes to Run-off

After nearly all votes from the Croatian presidential elections had been counted late on Sunday, the country’s electoral commission announced that a run-off will have to be called between the leftist opposition candidate and the long-time mayor of Zagreb. Preliminary results of the presidential elections held on Sunday put Ivo …

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7 aprilie, „Oci Ciornîi(e)” şi Balcanii de Vest

„Evoluţiile din R. Moldova îmi întăresc convingerea că nu mai este multă vreme până când toţi românii vor împărtăşi acelaşi destin european” (Traian Băsescu, discurs de învestitură pentru al doilea mandat, 21.12.09) Cronologic, anul 2009 se termină la 31 decembrie. Structural însă, nu. Anul anticomunismului basarabean depăşeşte, politic şi geopolitic, …

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