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Russia, Bulgaria Plan to Negotiate New Gas Supply Contract

Russia and Bulgaria plan to start talks on replacing a natural-gas supply contract that expires next year, Russian Energy Minister Sergei Shmatko said after meeting his Bulgarian counterpart Traicho Traikov in Moscow. 

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Turkey wants ‘peace’ with Armenia and Azeris

Turkey’s foreign minister says peace between Ankara, Azerbaijan and Armenia is “close” after a meeting with his Azeri counterpart. Ahmet Davutoglu said: “I think an impetus was created recently, and all sides, not only Azerbaijan and Armenia but also the Minsk group have to do their best to

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Croatians to elect a new president

The people of Croatia are preparing to vote for a new head of state on Suday with no fewer than 12 candidates vying for the post. The winner will inherit a country hit hard by the global economic crisis – a country told to step up its fight against corruption …

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