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Tadić: Candidate status in 2010

President Boris Tadić said in Stockholm on Tuesday that he expects Serbia to become a candidate for European Union membership next year. At a reception organized in his honor by Swedish Foreign Minister Carl Bildt, Tadić said that Serbia will be a positive surprise to Europe in the coming year, …

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Kosovo’s Serbs on historic trip to Albania

A delegation of Serbian representatives of Kosovo institutions has embarked on a historic trip to Albania upon an invitation of the government in Tirana. Kosovo Serb delegation, led by Slobodan Petrovic, Member of Kosovo Assembly Presidency, met with Albanian Foreign Minister Ilir Meta on Tuesday.

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OHR popisao državnu imovinu

Ured visokog predstavnika međunarodne zajednice završio je popis državne imovine, a politički dogovor o njenoj raspodjeli i vlasništvu odgovornost je domaćih političkih lidera, izjavio je Valentin Incko, visoki predstavnik, prilikom jučerašnje prezentacije baze podataka o državnoj imovini. “Naš tim napravio je popis imovine koju je BiH dobila sukcesijom SFRJ i …

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