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Tadic Submits Serbia’s EU Candidacy Tomorrow

Serbian President Boris Tadic travels to Stockholm on Tuesday to officially submit Serbia’s application for EU candidacy. The decision came after Tadic and the country’s Prime Minister Mirko Cvetkovic signed a request on Saturday night, in the name of the government, for EU candidacy.

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Macedonia will not be Blackmailed over Name, Says PM

Fully fledged membership of NATO and the European Union remains Macedonia’s top priority but the country will not accept blackmail from Greece in order to achieve these goals, Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski said. At a celebration of the 12th anniversary of his ruling VMRO-DPMNE party’s Union of Women, Gruevski said …

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Russia asks UN to Control International Judges in Bosnia

Moscow will ask the United Nations to control the work of international judges and prosecutores who are handling war crimes cases at Bosnia’s State Court after their mandate was recently extended by the top international envoy in the Balkan country. “Russia believes that the work of international jurists has to …

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