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Council of Europe commissioner once again heads to in Tbilisi

Council of Europe Human Rights Commissioner Thomas Hammarberg will arrive once again in Georgia this week to negotiate the release of two teenagers detained in Tskhinvali. According to the Tbilisi Office of the Council of Europe, Hammarberg will arrive in Tbilisi this week and visit Tskhinvali. He will try to …

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Romania PM-designate quits to allow cabinet talks

Romanian prime minister-designate Liviu Negoita said on Wednesday he had stepped aside to allow parties to discuss forming a majority government following President Traian Basescu’s re-election earlier this month. Basescu, who is due to be confirmed by the Constitutional Court for a new five-year term as president on Wednesday, said …

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Ispunjen još jedan uslov za ukidanje viza

Dom naroda parlamenta BiH usvojio je jučer Zakon o agenciji za prevenciju i borbu protiv korupcije BiH, čime je ispunjen još jedan uslov za liberalizaciju viznog režima. Zakon će stupiti na snagu tek nakon usaglašavanja, pošto su Predstavnički i Dom naroda parlameta BiH usvojili dvije različite verzije.

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