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Bosnia Judicial Institutions Await Final Decision

As the departure date for international judges and prosecutors working in Bosnia and Herzegovina’s state court approaches, pressure is growing on the High Representative’s Office to make a decision on whether to extend their stay. Prime Minister of Republika Srpska Milorad Dodik, and Nebojsa Radmanovic, the Serb member of the …

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Re-arrests Hope to Prove Bosnia Terror Plots

Bosnian security forces have rearrested three men on charges of terrorism and illegal weapons trafficking in a renewed attempt by the prosecution to prove the group’s international terror network connections, having failed to indict them previously due to lack of evidence, Anes Alic writes for ISN Security Watch. Arrested for …

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Basarabenii au reintrat în viaţa politică a României

„Îi dorim mult succes şi Dumnezeu să ne ajute în ceea ce avem de făcut împreună” (Mihai Ghimpu, preşedintele RM) „Rezultatul pe care l-a obţinut Traian Băsescu este cel pe care l-a meritat în R. Moldova” (Vlad Filat, premierul RM) Alegerile prezidenţiale din România au marcat mai multe premiere. Una …

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