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Bjegunci će kazne služiti i u zemlji u kojoj nisu osuđeni

Vijeće ministara BiH utvrdilo je jučer prijedlog ugovora između BiH i Srbije kojim će biti omogućeno da osobe koje su pravosnažno osuđene u jednoj zemlji kaznu izdržavaju u drugoj. Sporazum gotovo identične sadržine između BiH i Hrvatske trebalo bi da bude usvojen na narednoj sjednici Vijeća ministara. Postojeći ugovori BiH …

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Bulgarian Socialist MEP Slams Jeleva EPP Appointment

Electing Rumiana Jeleva to the position of Vice-President of the European People’s Party (EPP) was a mistake, according to statements made by Bulgarian MEP Kristian Vigenin. He has spoken out on Friday, criticizing Jeleva’s appointment because she is also a candidate for a post as commissioner. He added that the …

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Armenia threatens to annul Turkey deal over Karabakh

Armenia on Thursday threatened to walk away from a landmark deal to establish ties with Turkey if Ankara continues to link the agreement with the dispute over Azerbaijan’s Nagorno-Karabakh region. “Armenia is prepared to honor its international commitments and we expect the same from Turkey,” President Serge Sarkisian said during …

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