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Serbian FM Jeremić: Mixed signals on EU application

Serbia is getting mixed signals from EU countries on when to formally apply for membership, Foreign Minister Vuk Jeremić told Reuters in New York. He also added that “a decision soon will be made soon”. Jeremić said that EU membership was Serbia’s “central strategic priority”.

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Macedonia-Italian cultural cooperation

Macedonia and Italy will sign the third program on bilateral cooperation in the field of culture, education and science for the period from 2009 to 2012. The document will be signed this afternoon in Skopje by Macedonia Culture Minister Elizabeta Kanceska-Milevska and the Italian Ambassador in Macedonia.

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Hearings on Kosovo at ICJ to end

Vietnam and Venezuela are the last two countries to present their arguments to the court on Kosovo’s unilateral declaration of independence from Serbia. The process was taken by Serbia to the International Court of Justice.

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