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Prijete da će poslanike uzeti za taoce

Invalidi, koji već četiri dana protestuju u zgradi parlamenta BiH, prijete da će državne poslanike uzeti za taoce ukoliko danas ne izglasaju odluku o ratifikaciji Konvencije UN-a o pravima osoba sa invaliditetom. Oko 100 invalida od četvrtka odbija napustiti zgradu parlamenta BiH tražeći hitno okončanje procedure ratifikacije konvencije o njihovim …

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Small chance of Macedonia EU accession talks

EU foreign ministers meet in Brussels today to discuss the further enlargement of the 27-nation bloc. It’s not clear whether Macedonia could secure a date to star its EU accession talks. The European Union is unlikely to agree to open accession talks with Macedonia despite the recent efforts by the …

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Romania Presidential Election Neck-and-Neck

Preliminary official results indicate a narrow victory for incumbent Traian Basescu in Sunday’s presidential run-off. With 95.7 per cent of the vote counted, election authorities said Basescu polled 50.43 per cent, while challenger Mircea Geoana received 49.57 per cent.

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