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EU foreign chief: Debate needed on Turkey’s negotiation chapters

Catherine Ashton, the European Union’s new foreign affairs chief, said Wednesday that countries with different viewpoints needed to debate why only one chapter had been completed in Turkey’s accession bid.

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Slovakia supports Serbia on Kosovo, EU

Slovak President Ivan Gašparovič started his official two-day visit to Serbia on Thursday. Gašparovič has met with President Boris Tadić in the Palace of Serbia, after which the two presidents held a joint press conference. The Slovak president said that his country supports Serbia on EU integrations, and on Belgrade’s …

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Bosnian leaders on Steinberg visit

RS Prime Minister Milorad Dodik and other political leaders in Bosnia met yesterday with U.S. deputy Secretary of State James Steinberg. Dodik, who heads the government of the Serb entity, said after the meeting that solutions would not be imposed in Bosnia-Herzegovina and that Bosnian leaders would have to reach …

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