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Papoulias: Kosovo’s independence declared too early

Kosovo’s declaration of independence was made too early, and countries that don’t recognize Kosovo are actually safeguarding their own national interests, Greek President Carolos Papoulias said.

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Karadzic challenges appointment of defense lawyer

Radovan Karadzic will challenge the decision by war crimes judges to appoint him a defense lawyer in a trial in which the former Bosnian Serb leader is representing himself, his legal adviser said on Thursday. Judges at the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia last month appointed London-based barrister …

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Croatian President Stepan Mesic recommends name issue to be separated from EU accession talks

The name dispute between Macedonia and Greece could be solved through international arbitration and to be separated from the EU accession talks until Macedonia reaches its European Atlantic aims. This is what Croatian President Stepan Mesic said during his visit to Skopje.

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