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Barroso’s European Commission-go-round

Depending on who you listen to, Roumyana Zheleva, Bulgaria’s nominee to the new European Commission is set either for a high post or humiliation when EC President Jose Barroso unveils his line-up. The names of all candidate commissioners have been confirmed officially, but negotiations and meetings about portfolios were continuing …

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Proiectul 2014 pentru R. Moldova

„Nu excludem posibilitatea de a ne alătura Parteneriatului Estic…” (Serghei Lavrov, 25.11.09) Se discută de ceva vreme în presa de la Chişinău o serie de proiecte pentru RM, fixate într-un orizont de timp prestabilit. „Proiectul 2012”, lansat recent de jurnalistul Valeriu Saharneanu şi cauţionat de alţi colegi de breaslă, e …

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Tadić: EU candidate application after ITA

Serbia will apply for EU candidacy after the Interim Trade Agreement (ITA) has been unfrozen, says President Boris Tadić. Speaking in Belgrade on Thursday, he added that “time for candidacy is right when it is clear that we will get a positive answer from the EU”. “Our wish is to …

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