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Romanian opposition sign pact on presidential run-off, future government

Romania’s opposition Social Democratic Party and National Liberal Party Wednesday signed a political agreement to endorse social democratic leader Mircea Geoana in a presidential run-off against the incumbent President Traian Basescu and to assemble a parliamentary majority after the elections.

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Zheleva: Nabucco is on Bulgaria’s priority list

Minister of Foreign Affairs Rumyana Zheleva, who is on a 3-day visit to Washington, was received yesterday by Richard Morningstar, the US Special Envoy for Eurasian Energy, and Jonathan Elkind from the United States Department of Energy. 

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Barroso statement for Stanishev government is unacceptable: Yane Yanev

If the government of the former Prime Minister Sergey Stanishev has been loyal ad honest then the European Union should immediately return the blocked money. This is what leader of Order, Law and Justice (OLJ) Yane Yanev said at a briefing in the Parliament.

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