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K. Albanians welcome ex-Ahtisaari deputy

The Kosovo assembly will hold a ceremonial session today to welcome former deputy UN special envoy in the Kosovo status talks Albert Rohan. According to the announcements, Rohan will also address the assembly.

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Droutsas rules out EU entry talks without prior resolution of name row

“There cannot be a start of EU accession negotiations without a prior resolution of the name issue,” Greek Alternate Foreign Minister Dimitris Droutsas said. Droutsas’ remarks appear on the Greek foreign ministry’s website. “It is in the hands of the FYROM government and Mr. Gruevski himself to abandon their intransigent …

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Kresal: Slovenia wants Macedonia to join EU

Slovenian Interior Minister Katarina Kresal said on Tuesday that Slovenia wants Macedonia to join the European Union as soon as possible and her country will support Macedonia’s EU entry bid. Visiting Slovenian Minister Kristina Kresal and Macedonian Interior Minister Gordana Jankuloska signed a grant agreement on behalf of their countries. …

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