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Ankara plans joint sitting of Greek, Turkey council of ministers on Cyprus issue

Turkey has planed to convoke it the near future a joint sitting of Greek and Turkey council of ministers on Cyprus issue. The first steps would be made by Turkish and Greek foreign ministers Ahmet Davutoglu and George Papandreou. The aim of Ankara is referendums to be held in Cyprus …

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Serbian War Crime Prosecutor on Mladic

Serbian War Crimes Prosecutor Vladimir Vukcevic said that Serbia’s economy and the country’s children are bearing the brunt of the consequences of the fact that the two outstanding war crimes fugitives have yet to be caught and sent to the Hague Tribunal.

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Support For Athens-Skopje Talks

The European Commission has high hopes from the forthcoming Athens-Skopje high level talks slated for Friday, Enlargement Commissioner Olli Rehn told media. The two countries’ Prime Ministers, Greece’s George Papandreou and Macedonia’s Nikola Gruevski, are expected to discuss modalities that should ultimately lead to the lifting of a Greek blockade …

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