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Serbian army base opens near border with Kosovo

Serbia on Monday opened its largest army base Jug (South) located near Bujanovac, just few kilometers off the border with Kosovo. Serbia’s top military and state officials attended the opening ceremony. The base is located some 30 kilometers off the border between Macedonia and Serbia. Local Albanian politicians warned of …

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Serbian part of the pan-European Corridor 10 highway to Be Completed in 2012

Serbian Minister of Infrastructure Milutin Mrkonjic says that works on the Serbian part of the pan-European Corridor 10 highway will continue next year, despite the tight government budget. Mrkonjic said he can guarantee that “the last section of 307 kilometers of Corridor 10 will be finished by May 2012.”

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Filat asks Putin to speed up loan provision

The Republic of Moldova counts on Russia’s assistance, and would like to complete credit negotiations as soon as possible, Moldovan Prime Minister Vlad Filat said here today during his meeting with Russia Prime Minister Vladimir Putin.

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