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Croatia Presidential Campaign Kicks-Off

Offical campaigning ahead of Croatia’s presidential elections on 27 December kicked off Thursday. The campaigning period will end on 25 December. An opinion poll published earlier this month showed that the country’s main opposition Social Democrat candidate and Zagreb’s mayor lead the race.

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EU Peacekeepers Bosnia Mandate Extended

The UN Security Council unanimously approved on Wednesday the extension of the European Union peacekeepers’, EUFOR, mandate in Bosnia for another year. The European Union launched its Althea peacekeeping mission in Bosnia with a military force of 6,300 in 2004 to oversee the Dayton peace agreement that ended the Balkan …

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Serbia’s Patriarch to Be Buried Today

Orthodox Christian believers are gathering in Belgrade today to attend the funeral of the Head of the Serbia’s Orthodox Church Patriarch Pavle. Holy Liturgy was served this morning at 7.30 by Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew I at the Cathedral Church of St. Michael the Archangel in Belgrade. A funeral procession will …

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