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Georgia appoints new ambassador to Azerbaijan

Georgian Presidential Administration Spokesman Ivan Noniashvili was appointed Georgia’s new ambassador to Azerbaijan today. The Georgian parliament supported Noniashvili’s candidacy with 84 votes. After receiving parliament’s approval, Noniashvili will replace Nikoloz Natbiladze, who has already been appointed Georgia’s ambassador to Spain. Since 2006, Noniashvili headed the Georgian Presidential Administration’s Press …

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Bulgaria can pay off only funds on “clear projects” under PHARE program

The European Commission has unfrozen part of the suspended funds under the PHARE program for Bulgaria-EUR 3.5 mln. This is what was notes in a letter of the EU Enlargement Directorate to the Deputy Prime Minister and financial minister Simeon Dyankov received on Tuesday night.

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Bulgaria fears new winter gas crisis

Bulgaria, the EU country worst hit by gas delivery disruptions last January following a dispute between Russia and Ukraine over transit, warned about delays to infrastructure work designed to boost energy security. The interconnectors are part of a “recovery plan” launched by Commission President José Manuel Barroso before his re-election. …

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