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Skopje: Name negotiations continue

Macedonia’s top officials have decided that the country should stay actively involved in the negotiations about its name. The talks meant to bring closer the positions of Skopje and Athens on this issue are being conducted under the UN patronage.

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Serbian Minister Protests Kosovo at Conference

Serbian Interior Minister Ivica Dacic protested on Monday at a conference in Brussels because the Kosovo Albanian delegation did not have UNMIK signboards on its table. Dacic considered the missing UNMIK signboards from the tables as an attempt to prejudge the status of Kosovo.

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Novi paket liderima stiže krajem sedmice

Novi američko-evropski prijedlog ustavnih promjena u BiH bitno se ne razlikuje od butmirskog paketa, izjavio je jučer Sulejman Tihić, predsjednik SDA, nakon sastanka sa Stjuartom Džonsom i Larsom Valundom, pomoćnikom zamjenika američkog državnog sekratara, odnosno političkim direktorom u Ministarstvu vanjskih poslova Švedske.

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