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Georgian parliament to consider nominations for ambassador to Azerbaijan

The Georgian parliament will begin discussions on nominees to the post of Georgian ambassador to Azerbaijan today. Georgian President Mikheil Saakashvili nominated earlier this week Presidential Administration Spokesman Ivan Noniashvili.

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Tadić, Berlusconi open Serbia-Italy summit

President Boris Tadić says he has received support from Italy for Greek PM Giorgios Papandreu’s plan to have all Western Balkan countries in EU in 2014. “Serbia considers EU membership to be an irreplaceable strategic goal and we expect that the Greek plan and the plan of its prime minister, …

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Sejdiu calls on Kosovo Serbs to vote

Kosovo President Fatmir Sejdiu has called on the Kosovo Serbs to vote in the local elections scheduled for Nov. 15. “I once again call on representatives of all communities, in this case the Serb community as well, to be active in this process, which primarily concerns the exercising of their …

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